

J.L. Pete lives in Los Angeles with a fantastic cast of funny little characters, also known as her kids. She’s a numbers girl by day, a writer at night, and makes no apologies for the fact that she is a full blown junkie of all things books.

After waking from a dream that stuck with her for days, J.L. Pete picked up a notebook and started writing. School pickups, drop offs and play dates be damned, she published her first novel, Call It Magic in 2016. Her second novel, Death Drives a Minivan, was released in 2018. The next book, The Other Side of Nothing, is now available.

J.L. Pete’s novels follow in the footsteps of romantic comedies with a splash of sci-fi and urban fantasy. You know, like the classics. Conflicted sarcastic characters, with a touch of sass, struggling with love, romance, and the straight up weirdly endearing antics that exist with blossoming relationships.