Dead Plants

Dead plants. We’ve all got them in some form. Maybe yours are on the balcony like mine are or maybe yours are more personal like a person or obligation.  I’ve got those too. Most dead plants in people form take up your time when you should be doing other things like… I don’t know… finishing […]


Connections. We need them. A big part of life is to connect in some way with others. And lets face it, people aren’t going anywhere. You can either become a recluse or find a way to deal with them. Some will lead to amazing connections. You won’t believe there is someone out there as lovable and functionally messed […]

Sticks and Stones

Remember this children’s rhyme? I was curious about it because one, it’s kinda a lie. But two, I’d take a stick or stone to the arm or leg any day compared to some of the things words can do. Maybe even blunt force to the head instead of having words circle around up there. I […]

And another thing….

There’s something about words left unsaid that’s unsettling. For an over-thinker like myself, words will circle around for what seems like forever. Conversations that ended abruptly, words I should have said but didn’t think of fast enough in the moment. But something I’ve learned to do (and perhaps this will help you too) is to […]