
Connections. We need them. A big part of life is to connect in some way with others. And lets face it, people aren’t going anywhere. You can either become a recluse or find a way to deal with them. Some will lead to amazing connections. You won’t believe there is someone out there as lovable and functionally messed […]

Tortured Artist

The tortured artist. Am I right? What I’ve learned is that, while pain does inspire some pretty honest writing, (completely therapeutic and necessary at times), so do other things, like that weird dude at work. The things you overhear while waiting in line, that oversharing cashier. Family you can’t escape during the holidays. Or that […]

Game Changers

Ever read a game changer in book form? This is it for me. When I first started writing, I stuck to the formula of romance. Boy meets girl. They fall in love, some major event happens to keep them apart, and then they find their way back. But after reading this book years ago, something […]

Inspiring Road Blocks to the Gods

One of my favorite author discoveries in 2018 was Neil Gaiman. I knew of him but had never read anything by him. Leave it to a huge bout of writers block to open up a new discovery. Sometimes the road blocks aren’t what they seem. My most recent read was American Gods. I loved it […]