Nobody Gives a Fuck

Have you ever heard a song that spoke to you and then learned the artists true meaning of the song… which was nothing like what you imagined? One of my favorite go to bands for inspiration is Coheed and Cambria. There’s so many songs by them that spark imagery and inspiration for me. This song, […]

Sticks and Stones

Remember this children’s rhyme? I was curious about it because one, it’s kinda a lie. But two, I’d take a stick or stone to the arm or leg any day compared to some of the things words can do. Maybe even blunt force to the head instead of having words circle around up there. I […]

And another thing….

There’s something about words left unsaid that’s unsettling. For an over-thinker like myself, words will circle around for what seems like forever. Conversations that ended abruptly, words I should have said but didn’t think of fast enough in the moment. But something I’ve learned to do (and perhaps this will help you too) is to […]

Tortured Artist

The tortured artist. Am I right? What I’ve learned is that, while pain does inspire some pretty honest writing, (completely therapeutic and necessary at times), so do other things, like that weird dude at work. The things you overhear while waiting in line, that oversharing cashier. Family you can’t escape during the holidays. Or that […]

Game Changers

Ever read a game changer in book form? This is it for me. When I first started writing, I stuck to the formula of romance. Boy meets girl. They fall in love, some major event happens to keep them apart, and then they find their way back. But after reading this book years ago, something […]